Windows especially the ones located on the basement of your home could be an entry point of any criminal that wants to enter your home. The main challenge in addressing this problem is the fact that basement window wells are required by the IRC 2000 Egress Code to be installed and that the window well should be at least nine square feet in length with a horizontal projection of thirty six inches in length.
This could be a very vulnerable spot in your home with which a criminal could easily enter, however, through the use of an egress window well cover over the window well, you will be able to keep all the unwanted visitors out of your home.
Window well covers does not only provide protection from unwanted visitors but also protect your basement from water damage and snow fill and will add a sense of style to your basement depending on the type of material that the window well cover is made of. Window well covers that is made from steel have different forms that includes mesh and other types of steel cover and sometimes this window well covers even have holes allowing the sunlight to pass through it. Window well covers also aides in the prevention of accidents and protect your children and other small pets in your family from falling off on deep holes that is usually found on well enclosures at home. The other safety benefits that can be derived from the use of window well covers is that it provides emergency crews easy access to your homes in times of dire needs like fire and other related emergencies where easy rescue and escape is needed.
What are the use of window well covers safety Escape ladders that are used by emergency crews it’s made easier to use so you should not overlook purchasing one since this could potentially help save lives of the family living in the home where it is installed. Although most homes only have one escape ladder as a means of escape route during emergency situations having more than one escape route installed in your home is not a bad idea but could prove to be a life-saving one.
Custom fitted window well covers is one of the most durable window well covers since with the proper installation, these window ell covers are sturdy and strong enough to hold a 300 pound weight of any kind. These type of window well covers is not the type that are easily corroded and rusts away in no time which do not have the ability to hold so much weight. The rubberized type of these window well covers also has the ability to withstand rust and corrosion easily and will protect from the harmful ultra violet rays emitted by the sun.
5 Key Takeaways on the Road to Dominating Windows
5 Uses For Covers